Wednesday, May 8, 2013

bits&pieces: a birth story

Lately I've been thinking a lot about Olivia's birth story. Maybe it's because it seems like everyone I know either just had a baby or is pregnant right now. Here are bits and pieces of that day. The day that changed me forever, gave me a purpose, and has made me the happiest I've ever been. If you don't like hearing about labor and delivery then just read what is typed in black. If words like epidural, dilated, contraction, induce, pushing, etc.,  scare you, then don't read what is in blue. I don't go into detail though so just relax.

+ I just finished with my baby shower. I had my hospital bag with me and Conrad left work to meet me at my mom's. We knew that with my blood pressure being high (again) they were most likely going to induce me.

+ It hit me in the car driving to the hospital. I was so scared. and nervous. and excited. and worried. and happy. I think in the 15 minute drive there I felt every emotion there is. Tears streamed down my face. I just looked at Conrad and said "I'm scared." He calmed me down like he always does. That little dreamer (read that post here) of mine can be a real life saver!

+ We were right! They wanted to induce me. We got to the hospital around 3:00 and they broke my water by 5:00. Everyone at the hospital was taking bets that I would have the New Years baby. I had been saying for weeks that I would have her on December 31. Even at the hospital I kept saying that I would have her today. The nurses tried to tell me with my first baby it could be a long process and it will probably be the following morning (but I was right again. ha!)

+ Around 8:30 I felt sick. so sick. I thought I was going to puke. They had to redo my epidural because I could feel all my contractions on my left side. I thought maybe it was from the contractions. Conrad was fanning me with a clip board when the nurse came in to check on me.

+ She decided to check me to see if I had progressed at all (I was at a 4 when I got there)

+ It was only 9:00 and I was at a 10! we were ready to go!

+ After about a half hour of pushing she said we needed to slow down to wait for the doctor to come back. So we pushed through every other contraction. He got there and I think she was born like 3 minutes later. 12/31/2011 at 9:41 pm. 6 lbs 5 oz. absolutely perfect.

+ Conrad was so amazing. He was my biggest fan. He cheered me on the whole time. He didn't act "grossed out" like some do. He was fascinated by it. He made me feel amazing and special and beautiful. That's how it should be. It's such a miracle. I'm glad he could see and appreciate that. I fell in love with him all over again.

+ We chose to name Olivia Kate after Conrad's little sister, Kate. Kate is a perfect role model and someone we should all strive to be like. She's strong, happy, loving, caring, genuine, and beautiful inside and out. She has a contagious smile and laugh. She lights up the room! The girl is seriously amazing.  Olivia is living up to that special middle name she was given.

+ Conrad didn't leave the hospital once. He stayed with us the whole time. I was so glad! I didn't want him to leave. He handled every situation perfectly for us. I couldn't have been more happy/proud/in love with him. (and still am!)

+ Some of my best memories with Conrad are those first couple weeks together as a family of 3. We laughed so much. We laughed at her pooping on us during diaper changes, we laughed at the faces she made, and laughed at how tired we were.